While titanium-based metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been widely studied for their (photo)catalytic potential, only af ew Ti IV MOFs have been reported owing to the high reactivity of the employed titanium precursors.T he synthesis of COK-47 is now presented, the first Ti carboxylate MOF based on sheets of Ti IV O 6 octahedra, whichc an be synthesized with ar ange of different linkers.C OK-47 can be synthesized as an inherently defective nanoparticulate material, rendering it ah ighly efficient catalyst for the oxidation of thiophenes.I ts structure was determined by continuous rotation electron diffraction and studied in depth by X-rayt otal scattering, EXAFS,a nd solid-state NMR. Furthermore,i ts photoactivity was investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance and demonstrated by catalytic photodegradation of rhodamine 6G.Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are crystalline coordination polymers constructed through the directional bonding of metal ions and polydentate organic linkers,o ften forming porous networks.O ver the last decade,M OFs have increas-ingly been investigated because of their highly tunable porosity and large density of accessible metal sites,m aking them suitable for catalytic applications,g as separation, and storage. [1][2][3][4] However,d eveloping chemically and thermally robust materials remains challenging.This has fueled interest in using oxophilic Group 4e lements such as Zr IV and Ti IV , which tend to form stable structures based on their strong metal-carboxylate bonds.Inthis context, numerous Zr MOFs have been reported, [5] but only 15 Ti IV MOFs have been described to date,ofwhich 5inthe past year, even though Ti precursors are cheap,n on-toxic,a nd Ti MOFs tend to show good redox activity and photoactivity. [6][7][8] Them uch higher tendency of Ti IV to form ill-defined oxyhydroxides lies at the basis of this discrepancyand makes the synthesis of Ti MOFs extremely challenging. [9,10] Themajority of the Ti MOFs reported to date contain Ti À Oclusters as secondary building unit (SBU), but very recently afew chain-based Ti MOFs were reported:DGIST-1, Ti-TBP, and MIL-177-HT. [7,11,12] Thed imensionality of the SBU greatly influences MOF properties,a swas exemplified by photoconductivity measurements on the chain-based MIL-177-HT and its cluster-based counterpart, MIL-177-LT. The latter showed negligible conductivity whereas MIL-177-HT features similar conductivity as nano-sized TiO 2 ,w hich demonstrates the benefit of increasing the SBU dimensionality to achieve bulk oxide properties.Herein, we report an ew,p hotoactive,T i IV 4,4'-biphenyldicarboxylate (bpdc 2À )M OF,t ermed COK-47, featuring ac omplex layer of TiO 6 octahedra as 2D SBU.I nterestingly, acareful choice of synthetic conditions allows for control over particle morphology and defect content, making COK-47 S (S = small particle) ah ighly active catalyst, for example towards the oxidation of dibenzothiophene.S everal isoreticular analogues with for instance terephthalate or 2,2'-bipyridine-5,5'-dicarboxylate linkers we...