The purpose of this paper is to report on the field test results of the Texaco Canada Petroleum Inc. (TEXCAN) and the Alberta Department of Energy (ADOE, formally AOSTRA), Electrical Horizontal Well Project in the Lloydminster heavy oil area. Two vertical wells (15D-25-56-2W4 and 13C-30-56-1W4) and one horizontal well (16D-25-56-2W4) were connected electrically and heated.
48Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology FIGURE 3: A conceptual representation of the electrical heating system for heating a combination of vertical and horizontal wells. FIGURE 4: An example IQ Curve for operating the system of wells.trode requires a strategy based on the input current and production flow-rate. This operating strategy is defined using the IQ curve (Current, I, vs. Flow-rate, Q) for the well. Figure 4 shows a theoretical IQ curve for well 15D. This curve is derived from numerical simulation calculations using a computer program called TETRAD (14) . Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology FIGURE 8: Production response of Well 13C during the vertical well test. FIGURE 9: Temperature and resistance response of Well 13C during the vertical well test. FIGURE 10: Production response of Well 15D during the horizontal well test.