Study was performed in Chacala, Cabo Corrientes, where the species in study are widely distribuited in a natural form. Bromatologic analisis of fruit of B. alicastrum and E. Cyclocarpum were performed as an alternative to improve animal production, increasing protein consumption, energy and minerals on the livestock diet. Bromatologic analysis was made for crude protein (CP), etereum extract (EE) and nitrogen free extract (NFE) with Wendee method (AOAC, 1990); neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin (Van Soest and Wine, 1967) with ANKOM equipment. Calcium and phosphorus for colorimetry, potasium with flamometer technique (Van Soest, 1979); magnesium, sulphur and copper with TMECC 04.06 / 4.13 method. Nutritional quality was analized on dry matter, ashes, fat and crude fiber. Significative difference was obtained between species on protein (22.90 vs 10.88), fiber (7.24 vs 13.18) and NFE, were the higgest value was for B. alicastrum (67.02%) compared with E. cyclocarpum (60.45%). Inclussion of fruit flour from E. cyclocarpum and B. alicastrum on ovine alimentary rations improvement consumption. Weight increase and alimentary convertion were better with the 10% inclussion. Economic value of alimentary rations with inclussion of fruit flour of E. cyclocarpum and B. alicastrum was lower than witness diet on stabuled ovine, permiting maintain development with significative decrease of production costs.