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KeywordsBioenergy industry Technical efficiency Capital input Labour input Gross domestic product Real interest rate EU-28 region.
JEL Classification:Q20; Q01; Q56.This study identified the effects of economic factors on technical efficiency (TE) rate in the bio-energy section for the European Union zone (EU-28). A Tobit framework estimation was used to investigate the economic factors of TE rate in the bio-energy sector for the EU-28 zone during the period among 1990 through 2013. The findings point that economic determinants have a significant impact on TE rate of the bioenergy sector in the EU-28 countries. The empirical findings suggest that labor input and gross domestic product (GDP) significantly affected the TE of the bio-energy sector in the EU-28 zone through the duration of this paper. The results obviously inviting governors and politicians to investigate the TE rate of the bio-energy sector within the EU-28 zone. This paper gives further facts and details to the senates of the bio-energy sectors, as they require to get a further comprehension of the impact TE has on bio-energy production execution. In addition, the findings of this paper have suggestions for financiers who concentrates significantly on revenues from their directinvestments.
Contribution/Originality:This study contributes to the existing literature in investigating the TE of the bioenergy industry in the EU-28 region. This study uses new estimation methodologies such as the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the Tobit Model to investigate the impact of economic determinants on the TE of the bioenergy industry in the EU28 region during the period between 1990 and 2013. 1990 to 16500 TOE in 2013, while developing countries gross inland consumption increased from 500 TOE in 1990 to 24750 TOE in 2013. In addition, the CO2 trend shows unstable reduction during the period between 1990 and 2013; this refers to that bioenergy production is insufficient and could not meet the bioenergy consumption in developing countries. In developed countries (such as; Germany, France, UK, Finland, etc.), the trend of CO2 emission reduction did not decrease significantly and was unstable during the period 1990-2013. Moreover, bioenergy production trend shows that in developed countries the production increased from 36000 TOE in 1990 to 60000 TOE in 2013. On the other hand, bioenergy gross inland consumption in developed countries during the period between 1990 through 2013 has increased significantly in comparison with the production trend from the but lnLI giving the largest contribution. On the other hand, lnCI factor does not participate significantly in comparison with lnLI. Second macroeconomic factor is lnGDP, which was the highest significant external factor that participated to enhancing the TE rate in comparison with lnRIR. Thus, the lnGDP positively and significantly impact the TE in Model 1 and Model 2 to provide the highes contributor in the TE rate comparing with lnRIR.The findings showed in this paper obviously that TE affected...