9 0 0IDA Log No. HOl 89-34657 DEFINITIONS IDA publishes the following docunt to report the results ot its work.
ReportsReports ae the most authoritative and most carefully considered products IDA publishes. They normally embody results of major projects whic (al ham a direct bori on decisions affectng major programs, or (hi address issues of significant concern to the Executive Branch, the Congress and/or the public, or (c) address issues that have significant economic implications. IDA Reports are reaiwed by outside paels of experts to ensure their high quality and relevance to the problem studied, and they e release by the President of lDA.
Group ReportsGroup Reports record the findings and results of IDA establihed working grups and panels composed of senior individuals addressing major issues which otherwise would be the subject of an IDA Report. IDA Group Re porS ame reiewed by the senior individuals responsible for the pra-t and oth a selected by IDA to ensure thn high quality and relevance to e problem studied, and am releasd by the President of IDA.
PapersPapers. also authoritative and carefully considered prodt of IDA, address stuJies that ar nrowe in scope than tOe com in Reports. IDA Papers are eviewd to ensure that they meet the high standards expected of reid papers in professional journals or f nn Agency t.
DocumentsIDA Documents are used for the convenence of the sponsors or the analysts (a) to record 0 substantiv work done in qu ck reaction studie (b) to rcord the poeedings of contrenoes and meewtinp (c) to make ailab preliminy and tetativ results of analyses. (d) to recod data developed in the course of an investigation, or (e to forward Information tht is assoolly unanalyzed and unvalualed. The review of IDA Documents is suited to their contrn and inted use The work rpored in this document was conducted under contact MOA 903 64 C 0031 for the Department of Defense. The publication of this IDA Paper does not indicate endorment by the Department of Defense, nor should the content be constued as reflecting the official position of that Agency.SThis Paper has been eviewed by IDA to assure that it meets the high standards of 0 thoroughness, objectivity, and appropriate analytical wthodollo and At the results, conclusions and recommendation e properly supported by the mat al presented. Approved for pu srui, u 0l ,ram ,,mn mmm mmmunmu a REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE FomApproved OMB No. 0704-018