The study was performed to determine effective soil depth with crop type. Lysimeters, filled with three types of soils (sandy loam, loam and clay loam), were used. Effective soil depths for 25 cm, 50 cm, 75 cm, and 100 cm were considered for each soil. Six crops were investigated for plant height and yield, and rooting depths: Chinese cabbage, maize, lettuce, potato, red pepper, and soybean. Experiment was conducted at the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Suwon from 2012 to 2014. Effective rooting depth including 70% of root ranged from 19 cm to 29 cm for Chinese cabbage, from 24 cm to 38 cm for maize, from 17 cm to 24 cm for lettuce, from 27 cm to 32 cm for soybean, and around 50 cm and 30 cm for potato and red pepper. The maximum depth was 60 cm for soybean, 50 cm for Chinese cabbage, lettuce, and potato, and 75 cm for maize and red pepper. Each crop showed high yield in the treatment with soil depth over maximum rooting depth under all soils.