The results of three-year studies (2016–2018) of the global gene pool of maize hybrids on leached chernozem of the forest-steppe of Western Siberia are presented. The features of the realization of the biological potential of grain productivity are studied. It is shown that an increased level of production intensification allows to realize a high biological potential of corn grain productivity of different ecological-geographical profile. Hybrids of the first generation of domestic and foreign gene pool provided high photosynthetic parameters in relation to the conditions of the forest-steppe Priobye. The maximum leaf area of such hybrids as Clifton F1 and Korifey F1 exceeded 40 thousand m 2 / ha. The photosynthetic potential of Clifton F1 hybrid plants reached 3418 thousand m 2 · day / ha. The latter hybrid was distinguished by a high intensity of plant growth and development, which made it possible to form a high biological potential for the productivity of green mass and grain. Under conditions of irrigated agriculture in the forest-steppe of Western Siberia, the maximum yield of corn hybrids was at the level of 8 t / ha. It was established that maize hybrids Talisman (yield 8.4 t / ha), Gitago (8.3 t / ha), Delitop (7 t / ha), Falcon (6.8 t / ha) had a high ecological plasticity under extreme conditions Western Siberia and ensured high productivity with good quality of grain. The highest grain yield of maize Kuban 101 (maximum 6 t / ha) was found at a seeding rate of 6-7 grains per 1 m running length.