The search for cultivation practices that provide increased soybean yield has been recurrent. From this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic performance of soybeans with the application of phytosanitary products, as well as the effect of 2,4-D amine subdoses on this crop. Two field experiments were conducted in a randomized block design (RCBD), in a factorial arrangement, with four replications. In the first experiment, one factor corresponded to the soybean post-emergence application of propiconazole, 2,4-D amine, lactofen, imazethapyr and Grainset ® , while the other factor corresponded to the single or sequential application of these products. For the second experiment, one factor corresponded to the application of 2,4-D amine at two phenological stages of soybeans: V4 or V8 (4 and 8 fully expanded trifoliate leaves, respectively), while in the other factor the subdoses of this herbicide were evaluated: 4.03, 8.06, 12.09, 16.12, 20, 15 and 24.18 g a.i. ha -1 . In both experiments, the additional treatment consisted of the control without application. 2,4-D amine applied in subdoses has potential for use in soybeans. The application of 2,4-D amine subdoses promotes changes in morphological parameters of this crop. Increase in the yield of this crop can be obtained with the application of 2,4-D amine in subdoses varying between 16.12 and 20.15 g a.i. ha -1 .