The article analyzes the initial stage of the pedagogical experiment. It was conducted to diagnose the professional mobility of future teachers. Diagnostics was carried out according to defined structural components: motivational, cognitive, praxeological, personal, reflective. The use of the following methods is described: observation; author's questionnaire, expert assessment, test "Self-assessment of the ability to self-education, self-development and professional mobility", test "Diagnostics of motivation for success" (T. Ehlers), Self-actualization test, "Methodology of the analysis of motivation for studying in higher education institutions" (T. Ilyina), analysis results of certification in pedagogical disciplines, etc. The author's questionnaire was used in order to find out the orientation of future teachers towards the formation of professional mobility. The survey was conducted anonymously, using the traditional technique of filling out questionnaires, the survey was conducted in writing, some of the questions were open-ended. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it was concluded that students lack a clear understanding of the essence of the concept of "professional mobility", lack of a clear understanding of the place of professional mobility in the structure of pedagogical abilities, insufficiently formed value orientations and attitudes towards professional mobility, lack of internal need for professional mobility, insufficient motivation of professional improvement and lack of openness to change. This proves the need for purposeful pedagogical influence on the development of students of the studied quality. The results obtained as a result of the conducted diagnostics proved the insufficient level of development of the professional mobility of future teachers, which requires the development and implementation of the methodology for the formation of this quality.