The study aims to measure the librarians' opinions about different professional development activities, and investigates the attitude towards learning outcomes of Professional Development Courses PDCs. Quantitative research approach followed by survey design was adopted to meet set objectives of the study. The population of study was consisting upon university library professionals working in public sector HEC recognized universities of Lahore. Census sampling technique was applied. Professional librarians from 15 different universities participated in the study. Questionnaire was shaped to assess attitude of the participants towards PDCs. A total of 67 participants responded the questionnaire. Gathered data was analyzed through Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) Software. Findings of the study reveal that respondents had positive attitude towards HEC digital library resources, information retrieval techniques, training on research methods and information literacy programs Results showed that the PDCs developed new skills enhanced IT skills; satisfied users' needs), and increased expertise in management. Significant differences were found in attitude of the respondents related to different statements of professional development based upon gender, designation, professional qualification and JIMP Vol.1 No.2 Shahzad & Anwar (2021) 24experience. This study is a valuable addition in body of literature and a benchmark for the university authorities to adopt PDCs for the implementation of user centered services.