There has been a study of intellectual and academic types of gifted adolescents. The types of gifts were considered based on the following criteria: the type of activity and spheres of mentality, the degree of formation, the forms of manifestation, the levels of manifestation of various activities and its features in age development. It was found, that the giftedness -it is a multidimensional phenomenon, which is detected in the process of training and education, in the course of activities. Moreover, the information hunger gifted youth perceives painful, leading to negative reactions neurotic character. Principles of integration, interdisciplinary studies, problem and research based training are used for developing effective workability with gifted adolescents within the «schooluniversity» system, in terms of transforming natural sciences education at Kazan (Volga region) Federal University. Long-term productive work has allowed for the allocation of various methods of teaching chemistry to gifted students. These include; IT-lyceum for gifted children, «Small Chemical Institute», the educationalmethodical contest «Festival of Chemistry», practice-oriented training at the University Department of Chemical Education. In view of the results highlighted promising areas of research on methods of teaching chemistry of modern youth. It is, first of all, study the phenomenon of giftedness of the younger generation in a continuous transformation of natural sciences education.