In this paper, the field of sports management is considered through the prism of the sociology of professions. The authors start from the hypothesis that sports management is currently a semi-profession due to it missing some of the classical elements highlighted within sociological literature. It is primarily about professional associations that define the rules of conduct, making professions more or less autonomous. Besides, higher education for sports managers is becoming increasingly desirable, but it is still not mandatory, which is a sine qua non of a true professionalization. The possibility of high earnings leads to various affairs that can weaken the reputation of the profession, and diminish the trust of the public in sports managers. For the professionalization of the field, persistence in the development of professional associations, that would bring the codes of ethics and occupational standards is necessary. Establishing quality educational programs requires recognizing the potential of sport-based entrepreneurship, intending to balance market trends and the needs of athletes, audiences, and the community.