Context: Programme evaluation is perpetually mandated in health professions education. Correspondingly, there has been an expansion in prescriptive methodological guides about 'how' to engage in various best practices in evaluation. However, what has gained less attention is an examination of the 'value' that different stakeholders seek to gain from programme evaluation. Evaluation utilisation theory and research can help us understand the diversity in both the driving forces for and the impact of programme evaluation. Awareness of the heterogeneity of evaluation utilisation priorities has implications for evaluation practices, including both methodological choices and understanding of the impact of programme evaluation in our field. Methods: In this article, I expound on the concept of evaluation utilisation by drawing on evaluation theory and research. 'Evaluation utilisation' refers to the application of programme evaluation processes and findings to influence thinking and action. Herein, different forms of 'evaluation utilisation' (including instrumental, conceptual, process and persuasive (symbolic and legitimative) utilisation) are discussed, as well as the related concept of 'evaluation misuse'. Furthermore, how the prioritisation of different forms of 'evaluation utilisation' can influence the scope and impact of evaluation scholarship are also discussed. Conclusions: Programme evaluation is a form of inquiry that requires more than the exercise of robust methodological techniques. Rather, it necessitates attention to the, sometimes divergent, priorities of different stakeholder groups. Although there is scant research on evaluation practices in health professions education, evaluation utilisation theory can inform critical examination of evaluation practices and impact in our field. Critically, understanding this body of work can help inform those engaged in evaluation about what they are (or should be) prioritising when they conduct programme evaluation, and better align evaluation methodologies with their scholarly, curricular and administrative intentions. Implications for future research and high-quality, transparent evaluation scholarship are presented. How to cite this article: Onyura B. Useful to whom? Evaluation utilisation theory and boundaries for programme evaluation scope.