With the emergence of quantum computers, a new field of algorithmic music composition has been initiated. The vast majority of previous work focuses on music generation using gate-based quantum computers. An alternative model of computation is adiabatic quantum computing (AQC), and a heuristic algorithm known as quantum annealing running in the framework of AQC is a promising method for solving optimization problems. In this chapter, we lay the groundwork of music composition using quantum annealing. We approach the process of music composition as an optimization problem. We describe the fundamental methodologies needed for generating different aspects of music including melody, rhythm, and harmony. The discussed techniques are illustrated through examples to ease the understanding. The music pieces generated using D-Wave quantum annealers are among the first examples of their kind and presented within the scope of the chapter. The text is an unedited pre-publication version of a chapter which will appear in the book "Quantum Computer Music", Miranda, E. R. (Editor).