Tfam loxP/loxP ; DAT-cre; Parkin −/− : no Parkin-dependent effect on mitochondrial aggregates, mitochondrial morphology, locomotion, or TH-positive cell loss in SNc. ( 163 , 164 , 166 , 235 , 236 ) | PD-mito-PstI | DAT promoter-driven tetracycline transactivator protein (tTA) Inducible mito-PstI exclusively in DA neurons | Expression of tetracycline-sensitive mitochondria-targeted restriction enzyme, Pst I, in DA neurons Mitochondrial matrix localization—COX8A MTS Mito-targeted restriction enzyme damages mtDNA in DA neurons | Neuronal phenotype: progressive degeneration of the DA population within SNc, striatal dopamine depletion, age-dependent loss of TH-positive neurons, L-DOPA reversible motor deficit. Locomotor deficits precede TH-positive cell loss. |