The creative performance, as well as other exclusively human capabilities will be the qualities that the future workers must have, due to what has been called the fourth industrial revolution. Therefore, teachers have the obligation to investigate and innovate on new techniques and implement methodologies that promote these skills. The Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology has shown great benefits in this regard, and there are innovative fields, such as lucid dreams, which could be a new tool for enhancing creative performance. Therefore, the aims of this work were to review the related literature to verify that an intervention using the PBL methodology could be combined with research in lucid dreams in an applicable, relevant, well-founded, coherent, and original way. The second aim was to develop an ABP proposal with these elements to enhance the critical skills that students will need in the future, with special emphasis on creativity. We conclude that this proposal meets the revised characteristics, and we include the design of the proposal, gathering these elements. As a continuation of this work, we intend to carry out an investigation analyzing the data that may be offered by different classrooms that apply the program.