The performance of multilevel quantum chemical approaches,
utilize an atom-based system partitioning scheme to model various
electronic excited states, is studied. The considered techniques include
the mechanical-embedding (ME) of “our own N-layered integrated
molecular orbital and molecular mechanics” (ONIOM) method,
the point charge embedding (PCE), the electronic-embedding (EE) of
ONIOM, the frozen density-embedding (FDE), the projector-based embedding
(PbE), and our local domain-based correlation method. For the investigated
multilevel approaches, the second-order algebraic-diagrammatic construction
[ADC(2)] approach was utilized as the high-level method, which was
embedded in either Hartree–Fock or a density functional environment.
The XH-27 test set of Zech et al. [
J. Chem. Theory Comput.
] was used for the assessment,
where organic dyes interact with several solvent molecules. With the
selection of the chromophores as active subsystems, we conclude that
the most reliable approach is local domain-based ADC(2) [L-ADC(2)],
and the least robust schemes are ONIOM-ME and ONIOM-EE. The PbE, FDE,
and PCE techniques often approach the accuracy of the L-ADC(2) scheme,
but their precision is far behind. The results suggest that a more
conservative subsystem selection algorithm or the inclusion of subsystem
charge-transfers is required for the atom-based cost-efficient methods
to produce high-accuracy excitation energies.