“…Oxidative stress Neurotoxic -Primary cortical cell cultures -Hypoxia and ROS: ↑ PROK2 mRNA mainly in neurons (Cheng et al, 2012) -in vivo stroke models -Ischemic cortex and striatum: ↑ PROK2 mRNA (Cheng et al, 2012) -PROK2 i.c.v. injection after stroke: ↑ infarct volume (Cheng et al, 2012) -PKRs antagonist: ↓ infarct volume, ↓ central inflammation and improves behavioral outcome (Cheng et al, 2012) Neuroprotective -in vitro model of focal cerebral ischemia -Bv8: ↓ the OGD-induced necrotic neuronal death in cortical cultures and hippocampal slices activating ERK, Akt and GSK3-β pathways (Landucci et al, 2016) -PKRs antagonist reverts the Bv8 effects (Landucci et al, 2016) -in vitro model of ischemic tolerance (NMDA preconditioning) -Hippocampal slices: ↑ PROK2, PKR1 and PKR2 mRNA and protein (Landucci et al, 2016) -PKRs antagonist: ↓ PROK2 protein in hippocampal slices (Landucci et al, 2016) -H9c2 cardiomyocytes cell line from rat heart -PROK2 treatment or PKR1 overexpression: ↓ oxidative stress-induced apoptotic cell death activating the Akt/mTOR and AKT/GSK3β pathways (Urayama et al, 2007;Su et al, 2020;Yang et al, 2020) Beta amyloid Neurotoxic -Primary cortical cell cultures -Aβ 1-42 : ↑ PROK2, PKR1 and PKR2 mRNA and protein levels in neurons and astrocytes (Severini et al, 2015) -Bv8, at pM concentrations, ↑ neuronal apoptosis (Severini et al, 2015) -PKRs antagonist: ↓ Aβ-and Bv8-induced neuronal apoptosis (Severini et al, 2015) and ↓ kainate-evoked current increase Aβ-induced (Caioli et al, 2017) -Tg2576 transgenic mouse model of AD↓ -Cortex and hippocampus: ↑ PROK2 mRNA (Lattanzi et al, 2019) -PKRs antagonist: ↓ LTP impairment in hippocampal slices (Severini et al, 2015) -in vivo non-transgenic rat model of AD -Aβ 1-42 i.c.v. injection: ↑ PROK2, PKR1 and PKR2 mRNA and protein in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus (Severini et al, 2015;Lattanzi et al, 2019;Maftei et al, 2019) -PKRs antagonist: ↓ PROK2 levels, ↓ glial activation and neuronal death, restores the neurogenesis in DG and ↓ the Aβ-induced memory deficits (Maftei et al, 2019) -AD patients -↑ PROK2 mRNA in hippocampus and ↑ PROK2 protein in serum (Lattanzi et al, 2019) Glutamate Neurotoxic -Primary cortical cell cultures -NMDA and excitotoxic glutamate: ↑ PROK2 mRNA mainly in neurons…”