Background. Winter wheat is a key crop in most farms of the Volgograd region and the south of Russia. However, despite the high annual gross harvest of wheat grain in the region (4 million tons or more), its stabilization and increase in production are complicated by global and local climate changes, depletion of soil fertility, environmental pollution, narrowing of biodiversity of crops used in crop rotation, and other negative factors. The impact of external environmental factors on grain production is extremely difficult and requires a systematic approach in the study. Among the main trends in climate change, scientists of the Federal Research Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences note a steady increase in average air temperatures of the autumn-winter period, an increase in intra-seasonal variability.
Purpose. Improving the technology of winter wheat cultivation, studying the effect of mineral fertilizers and new biological products on the yield and quality characteristics of grain in the conditions of light chestnut soils of the Volgograd region
Materials and methods. The study of the effect of trace elements on the yield of winter wheat of the Kamyshanka 4 variety, as well as the analysis of qualitative indicators in the arid conditions of the Volgograd region based on the methodology of B. A. Dospekhov and gossorto-testing.
Results. According to the conducted studies, the greatest effect on the yield and quality of winter wheat was formed on the treatment with preparations of the Biostim series that affect the balance of nutrients during the growing season, protection from the effects of abiotic processes, restoration of crop productivity after stress.
Conclusion. When choosing plant nutrition with trace elements, it is necessary to proceed from soil and climatic conditions. As a result, in the arid conditions of the Volgograd region, results were obtained showing the important role of amino acids and trace elements in maintaining the balance of nutrients throughout the vegetation of plants.