The study describes the process of forming a functional layer of thermite melts on the surface of castings. The chemical composition of thermite mixtures, technological parameters of various processes of surface alloying of castings, structure and mechanical properties of alloys, and operational properties of castings were examined at various stages of the development of energy-efficient technology for creating a functional surface of a given thickness. The described technology of surface alloying of castings by obtaining functional layers from thermite melts refers to the aluminium-thermite method of obtaining a melt with its subsequent casting on the surface of castings to form a wear-resistant functional layer or direct casting of castings. Characteristic features of the technology are: the use of cheaper internal chemical energy of the interaction of reagents to produce melts, instead of external electrical energy; simplicity and cheapness of the equipment used; obtaining various grades of alloys; high speed of processes in metal synthesis; high productivity of the process of manufacturing or repairing castings.