DOI: 10.1186/s12992-016-0182-8
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Promoting good policy for leadership and governance of health related rehabilitation: a realist synthesis

Abstract: BackgroundGood governance may result in strengthened performance of a health system. Coherent policies are essential for good health system governance. The overall aim of this research is to provide the best available scientific evidence on principles of good policy related leadership and governance of health related rehabilitation services in less resourced settings. This research was also conducted to support development of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Guidelines on health related rehabilitation.Met… Show more

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Cited by 49 publications
(63 citation statements)
References 58 publications
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“…Our findings reiterate findings in a recent Delphi study embedded within a realist review of governance related factors influencing the implementation of the CRPD [84]. Taken together, these findings provide ample support to the idea that health systems planners need to extend current and future initiatives to monitor HRR beyond the confines of clinical services and consider greater and more meaningful engagement in the political sphere to design and implement rights based strategies and mechanisms for creating and sustaining an enabling political and institutional environment for the realization of rehabilitation related rights [83,90].…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 69%
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“…Our findings reiterate findings in a recent Delphi study embedded within a realist review of governance related factors influencing the implementation of the CRPD [84]. Taken together, these findings provide ample support to the idea that health systems planners need to extend current and future initiatives to monitor HRR beyond the confines of clinical services and consider greater and more meaningful engagement in the political sphere to design and implement rights based strategies and mechanisms for creating and sustaining an enabling political and institutional environment for the realization of rehabilitation related rights [83,90].…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 69%
“…Further, indicators on the capacity of the rehabilitation system to generate and use strategic intelligence to empower citizens to claim their rights (#48, #53) and inform policy decision making at various levels (#18, #52, #58, #37) appear in the priority set of indicators. These indicators are foundational 2 4 to realizing the right to rehabilitation as they provide policy signals regarding efforts to ensure public accountability and promote sound decision making, which are core principles of good governance in HRR [84].…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Various works in the literature support the meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in policy processes and consultations (UN General Assembly, 2007;Siddiqi et al, 2009;Amin et al, 2011;McVeigh et al, 2016), yet this study demonstrates poor access to community consultations (28.4% unmet need). It is of concern that 43.6% of people with disabilities did not want to engage in such consultations.…”
Section: Figure 2: Disability-poverty Cyclementioning
confidence: 96%
“…In many ways DPOs may be an avenue for people with disabilities to have their voice heard in consultations; however, as the study shows, 77% of people with disabilities do not know about the existence of DPOs. McVeigh et al (2016) argue that governments should "proactively consult with persons with disabilities, their families, DPOs, the private sector, NGOs, and international organisations throughout policy development". Inclusion of people with disabilities in community decision-making and policy development is required from the central to the local levels of government, including the Panchayat Raj institutions in the villages of rural Uttarakhand.…”
Section: Figure 2: Disability-poverty Cyclementioning
confidence: 99%
“…67 A realist synthesis of the literature often seeks to identify an intervention's context, mechanism and outcome. 68 Therefore, we will do a realist literature search and synthesis which seeks to identify effective patterns in terms of the context, the mechanism used and the outcome achieved through a specific tool, program or intervention. 67 We will search the diagnostic and screening tools on the one hand, and guidelines and literature about social and labor inclusion for people with IDD on the other.…”
Section: Artículo Originalmentioning
confidence: 99%