Growth defects in a synthetic berlinite sample were studied at high temperature (300--500 K) by X-ray topography. Preliminary observations of contrast changes with temperature are reported.During the past few years there has been a resurgence of interest in berlinite (AIPO4) as a possible substitute for quartz in piezoelectric device applications. Berlinite has a similar structure (Schwarzenbach, 1966) to quartz at room temperature (RT) and at higher temperature exhibits the same type of polymorphism. In particular, A1PO4 shows an ~-fl transition occurring at 853 K instead of 846 K for quartz (Van Tendeloo, Van Larduyt & Amelinckx, 1976;Bachheimer, Berge, Dolino, Saint-Gregoire & Zeyen, 1984). In evaluating berlinite as a replacement for quartz in highfrequency acoustic-wave devices, anomalies were observed in its propagation loss-frequency-temperature characteristics (Detaint, Poignant & Toudic, 1980;Steinberg, Roy, Estes, Chai & Morris, 1984). In an attempt to explain these electrical anomalies, we shall present in this paper some results concerning the defects in a berlinite sample observed by X-ray topography above RT.(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fig. l(a).