Research Objectives:1. Define the mean and variable structure of the MLT Our objective here was to define the seasonal, inter-annual, and shorter-term variability of the thermal and wind structures throughout the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT). Some of the relevant questions motivating this study include 1) why is the fall transition (increasing mesopause temperature during August) faster than the spring transition, 2) what are the corresponding mean winds and gravity wave momentum fluxes that account for these differences, 3) why is the summer mesopause temperature so stable (or is it?), 4) what is the morphology of mesospheric inversion layers, are there diurnal variations, and how do they depend on gravity wave forcing, and 5) are the strong shears in the lower thermosphere the source of, or the response to, gravity wave instability and momentum transport? These topics were addressed with long-term measurements of the thermal and wind fields over as full a range of altitudes as the Weber lidar and other ALOMAR instrumentation permit (typically ~10 to 105 km for both winds and temperatures). Though full-column measurements were only possible during comprehensive measurement campaigns, Weber lidar measurements spanned a much greater range of times throughout the years of operation.
Define the gravity wave coupling from lower altitudes
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