We present a detailed analysis of the radial distribution of light-element multiple populations (LE-MPs) in the massive and dense globular cluster M 80 based on the combination of UV and optical Hubble Space Telescope data. Surprisingly, we find that first generation stars (FG) are significantly more centrally concentrated than extreme second generation ones (SG) out to ∼ 2.5r h from the cluster center. To understand the origin of such a peculiar behavior, we used a set of N-body simulations following the long-term dynamical evolution of LE-MPs. We find that, given the advanced dynamical state of the cluster, the observed difference does not depend on the primordial relative distributions of FG and SG stars. On the contrary, a difference of ∼ 0.05 − 0.10M between the average masses of the two sub-populations is needed to account for the observed radial distributions. We argue that such a mass difference might be the result of the higher He abundance of SG stars (of the order of ∆Y ∼ 0.05 − 0.06) with respect to FG. Interestingly, we find that a similar He variation is necessary to reproduce the horizontal branch morphology of M 80. These results demonstrate that differences in mass among LE-MPs, due to different He content, should be properly taken into account for a correct interpretation of their radial distribution, at least in dynamically evolved systems.