“…In situ observation of PBL Published by Copernicus Publications. D. Brus et al: Aerosol, gases, and meteorological parameters measured during LAPSE-RATE properties are obtained through various techniques, including balloon soundings, tethersondes, dropsondes and hot-air balloons (e.g., Laakso et al, 2007;Greenberg et al, 2009;Nygård et al, 2017), towers (e.g., Heintzenberg et al, 2011;Andreae et al, 2015), and recently by unmanned aerial systems (UASs) (e.g., Ramanathan et al, 2007;Jonassen et al, 2015;Kral et al, 2018;Nolan et al, 2018;Barbieri et al, 2019;Girdwood et al, 2020;Harrison et al, 2021;Jensen et al, 2021;Pinto et al, 2021;Wenta et al, 2021).…”