Funding informationDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).Adaptive QM/MM (quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical) methods repartition molecules on-the-fly into the QM and MM regions based on a partitioning criterion. A density-based partitioning scheme offers a unique way of carrying out QM and MM assignments on the presence/ absence of (non) covalent interactions between non-QM core molecules and the QM core. Here, we present two improvements to promote our density-based adaptive partitioning strategy for adaptive QM/MM calculations. First, bond formation/breaking processes between non-QM core molecules and the QM core are monitored using a density-based descriptor, to define an adaptive QM core region on the fly. Second, the density-based adaptive QM/MM partitioning scheme is made efficient enough for large systems by utilizating an adaptive search region and a Voronoi style-partitioning scheme. The adaptive search region is used to preselect the subset of molecules that may interact strongly enough with the QM core region, and then a density-based interaction calculation is only carried out on this subset. A Voronoi style-partitioning scheme achieves an efficient assignment of the density-based interactions. K E Y W O R D S adaptive multiscale modeling, density-based adaptive, noncovalent interactions, Voronoi partitioning 1 | I N T R O D U C T I O N Hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methods allow accurate calculations on large complex systems by describing the chemically most relevant (active) region with a high-level electronic structure method, while the remaining environment is modeled bylower-level methods. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] The chemically relevant part is usually small, such as a solute, an enzyme's active site, [8,9] or a local defect in a material. [10] In traditional QM/MM methods, the contents of these regions are fixed and cannot change during a geometry optimization or molecular dynamics simulation. [11] This fixed composition of the two regions is not ideal for systems such as complex gas-phase reactive systems, solution processes, diffusion through liquid or solid, defect propagation, or reactions on catalytic surfaces such as nanoparticles.A number of so-called adaptive QM/MM schemes have been developed to effectively expand the research areas for traditional QM/ MM methodology. Adaptive methods allow atoms, or groups of atoms, to enter or leave the "active zone" which is typically centered on the QM core. [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] In adaptive schemes, the partitioning of the entire system into QM and MM regions is not rigid, and the molecules are continually being repartitioned into QM and MM subsystems. [26][27][28][29][30] The repartitioning of the QM and MM regions was initially accomplished by adopting a geometric criterion in the form of a distance cutoff, R QM . [14,[17][18][19][20][21] For each of the molecules in a given molecular system, assignment of QM versus MM character is determined by its distance from a predefined QM core r...