A B S T R A Clevel at 15-20 wk of gestation (320±55 pg/ml, n = 15) being 4.5 times higher than the mean at 32-43 wk (70±12 pg/ml, n = 15) (P < 0.001). In cases of preeclampsia (n = 6), gestational diabetes (n = 5), anencephaly (n = 1), and meningomyelocele (n = 1), SLI values were in the normal range, but in one juvenile diabetic and one patient with chronic renal failure, SLI was undetectable (<10 pg/ml). In a pair of monochorionic diamniotic twins, SLI levels were very different (33 and 197 Received for publication 29 January 1979 and in revised form 18 May 1979. of total amniotic fluid SLI) were found in cells from fresh fluid. Radioimmunoassay of SLI in extracts of seven paired cord arterial and venous plasma samples showed no arteriovenous gradient consistent with fetal origin ofcord blood SLI. It is concluded that (a) amniotic fluid contains SLI which is offetal origin and (b) normal levels vary with gestational age. The SLI has a higher molecular weight (-5,000) and is more stable in amniotic fluid than SRIF.