This article reports the design and fabrication of open‐cell polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) foams as carriers that can promote biofilm growth and organic removal efficiency for biological wastewater treatment in attached growth bioreactors. Open‐cell PVDF foams were fabricated by a manufacturing approach that integrated compression molding and particulate leaching. PVDF carriers were structured with two governing factors of leaching agent types (e.g., sodium chloride [NaCl] and sodium acetate [NaOAc]) and contents (e.g., 80 and 90 wt%). Open‐cell PVDF foams possessed high porosity and high protected surface area (i.e., more than ×10 to ×20 of the areas of commercialized carriers), which promoted biofilm growth in these carriers. As a successful advantage, PVDF carriers used in the moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBR) were entirely covered by biofilm in both interior and exterior parts without clogging. This provides strong evidence of the bacterial compatibility of the fabricated open‐cell PVDF foam carriers. Moreover, the specific morphology of the PVDF carriers in this article provided superior biofilm protection from the detachment in MBBR. Experimental results revealed that PVDF open‐cell foams fabricated by 80 wt% of NaCl demonstrated higher mechanical strength with an organic removal efficiency of 77% ± 7% in the corresponding bioreactor containing them.