Low-lying levels in ~9ZOs and 192pt are reinvestigated through 192Ir (73.831d) decay with improved system performance and counting statistics. Experiments show that gamma rays reported in literature with energies 1413, 1237, 1147, 911, 773, 629, 362 and 325 keV are not from the decay of 192Ir and gamma rays reported with energies 1200, 1056, 920, 904, 784 and 624 keV are resulted from sum-up or pile-up effects of low energy intensive gamma rays. New gamma-gamma coincidence relations are obtained with 105 cm3-110 cm 3 germanium detector system. A level at 1384 keV is established in the decay scheme and four newly proposed levels at 1118.31 keV in 192Os and 1146.95, 1237.35 and 1413.76 keV in 192pt are excluded from the decay scheme. Predictions of Interacting Boson Model on level energies and E2 absolute reduced transition probabilities are compared with experimental results.