Abstract:The lateral movement, soil persistence and aqueous hydrolysis of sulfometuron [2-([{[(4,6-dimethyl-2-pyrimidinyl) from slopes to nontarget areas was minimal and was not detected in the 0-to-30-cm-soil depth, when sampled up to 120 cm downslope from the treated area on 2, 8, or 16% slopes 1 year after treatment. The highest sulfometuron concentration found downslope from the treated area was less than 1 µg kg -1 regardless of the slope. Sulfometuron moved beyond the soil column (70 cm deep) in Fairdale loam [fine-loamy, mixed (calcareous), frigid, Mollic Udifluvents], Felor silty clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, Typic Agriborolls), and Barnes stony loam (fine-loamy, mixed, Udic Haploborolls) soils when leached with 45.7 cm of water for 48 hours compared to only 35 to 50 cm deep when leached with the same amount of water over 9 weeks. Sulfometuron degradation increased as soil temperature and moisture increased. Sulfometuron was detected for an average of 429 days in Felor silty clay loam at pH 6.1, 8º C, and 45% field capacity but only 218 days in the same soil at 90% field capacity and 16º C. Degradation was slower in Renshaw and Sioux sandy loam [(undifferentiated soil mixture) fine-loamy over sandy or sandy skeletal, mixed Udic Haploborolls and sandy-skeletal, mixed Udortheutic Haploborollsl with a pH of 7.4 and averaged >700 days, regardless of environmental conditions. Sulfometuron hydrolysis was similar regardless of solution pH with an average of 63% 14 C-sulfometuron remaining after 28 days in water at pH 5, 7,