Key words: review -isometamidium -ethidium -sustained release -prophylaxis -trypanosomiasis -cattleIn order to extend the prophylactic activity of isometamidium (ISMM) and ethidium (homidium bromide) and to decrease their toxic effects at the injection site, several alternative delivery systems have been developed for the treatment of trypanosomiasis of livestock. Peregrine (1994) did review the use of liposomes, carrier erythrocytes, suraminates and dextran complexes. Generally these new formulations were evaluated in laboratory animals and the few experiments in cattle usually gave unsatisfactory results. The use of polymers was also briefly mentioned by Peregrine (1994), but at that time no data were yet available about their application in cattle. The purpose of this minireview is to present and discuss the results obtained during several laboratory and field trials in cattle using sustained release devices containing a mixture of different polyesters and ISMM or ethidium.