“…Since its origins, the family has been conceived as a social cell comprised by individuals with some degree of kinship, as the primary place where the social risks of its members are shared and managed; 1 the idea of family has gone through different moments, consistent with the historical-social development of the peoples, and in each one, the concept has been configured from the different disciplines, from the established hegemonic guidelines, 2 until it is currently read as a diverse, complex, dynamic reality that moves to the rhythm of the social order, with the multiplicity of conflicts and tensions that constitute it.. 3 In this sense, it must be considered that each family has its own dynamics and functionality, being that, as proposed by Palacio, 3 there are five issues that cross it, that are tied in the intimate space of the family and make its identification complex: sexuality, procreation, cohabitation, survival and coexistence; these issues, analyzed in numerous manuscripts within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic 4 - 6 force a concept of family as flexible as the institution itself. Seeking to respond to the complexity conditions described, for the purpose of this study, the interdisciplinary concept of family proposed by Oliva and Villa will be used: “ The family is a group of two or more people who live as a spiritual, cultural, and socioeconomic unit, which, even without physically living together, share psycho-emotional and material needs, objectives and common development interests, from different aspects whose priority and dynamics belong to their free will: psychological, social, cultural, biological, economic, and legal.” 2 : 17 …”