This paper describes a comparison between the microscopic brilliant cresyl blue and the flow cytometric thiazol orange (FACScan) and auramine O (Sysmex) methods for enumeration of reticulocytes.The mean intra-assay coefficients of Variation for the microscopic, FACScan and Sysmex methods were established to be 33, 9 and 5% respectively. A rather poor correlation was observed between the microscopic count and both flow cytometric methods (FACScan r = 0.61; Sysmex r = 0.57). However, the correlation between the flow cytometric methods was satisfactory (r = 0.79).Reference ranges for the reticulocyte count, corresponding with the 2.5th and 97.5th percentile, were determined for the microscopic (8-30%o), FACScan (ll-27%o) and Sysmex (8-18%o) methods. Sysmex R-3000 methodology definitely revealed the lowest and narrowest reference rÀnge.In conclusion, because of higher reproducibility, flow cytometric analysis of reticulocytes is an attractive alternative procedure for the microscopic enumeration method.