Pancreatic innervation is being viewed with increasing interest with respect to pancreatic disease. At the same time, relatively little is currently known about innervation dynamics during development and disease. The present study employs confocal microscopy to analyze the growth and development of sympathetic and sensory neurons and astroglia during pancreatic organogenesis and maturation. Our research reveals that islet innervation is closely linked to the process of islet maturation-neural cell bodies undergo intrapancreatic migration/shuffling in tandem with endocrine cells, and close neuro-endocrine contacts are established quite early in pancreatic development. In addition, we have assayed the effects of large-scale β-cell loss and repopulation on the maintenance of islet innervation with respect to particular neuron types. We demonstrate that depletion of the β-cell population in the RIP-cmyc ER mouse line has cell-type-specific effects on postganglionic sympathetic neurons and pancreatic astroglia. This study contributes to a greater understanding of how cooperating physiological systems develop together and coordinate their functions, and also helps to elucidate how permutation of one organ system through stress or disease can specifically affect parallel systems in an organism.There are three neuron types-sympathetic, parasympathetic, and sensory-that innervate the pancreas, in addition to an astroglial population. The sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system are involved in maintenance of blood glucose homeostasis in response to changing energy demands. Sympathetic neurons mediate the socalled "fight or flight" response through stress-induced neural activity. They inhibit insulin secretion and up-regulate glucagon release by respective β-and α-cell populations in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, the net physiological result of which is to convert glycogen stores to blood glucose to meet immediate energy demands (Mundinger et al.2003). Through feeding-induced neural activity, parasympathetic neurons stimulate insulin secretion from insulin-producing β-cells to promote the removal of glucose from the blood into the liver for storage as glycogen, while repressing glucagon release (Benthem et al. 2001;Adeghate et al. 2000;Ahren 2000). Sensory neurons are involved in pain sensation; indeed, extreme pain is a well-documented concern in pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer patients (Wick et al. 2006a(Wick et al. , 2006b). The function of pancreatic astroglia, which encapsulate the islets of Langerhans, is not definitively known, although there is increasing evidence that astroglia are involved in synaptic transmission in the brain, and thus may be more involved in neuronal signaling than previously speculated (Halassa et al. 2007).*Correspondence to: Matthias Hebrok, UCSF Diabetes Center, 513 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94143 Email: Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for pu...