The work aimed at solving the problem of conversion of existing diesel power drives of oil and gas technological transport into gaseous fuels, which are a cheaper alternative to diesel fuel. A method has been proposed to increase the energy efficiency of alternative fuels. The thermochemical essence of increasing the energy of the source fuel has been developed. The choice of alternative alcohol fuel as a starting product for the conversion process, taking into account its cost and energy value. The calculations showed that the thermal effect from the combustion of converted CO and H2 exceeds the effect from the combustion of the same amount of liquid methanol. Compared to other alternative fuels, the cost of methyl alcohol is low, in addition, when using methanol as a fuel for diesel engines, you can significantly reduce emissions of soot particles and nitrogen oxides. This is due to the fact that the combustion of methanol in the diesel cylinder does not form intermediates that promote the formation of acetylene and aromatic hydrocarbons, which lead to the formation of soot. Methanol is a renewable natural resource, ie there is a large raw material base to increase its production and much wider use as an energy source. Using of this alcohol as an alternative biofuel for vehicles is possible as a result of its production in affordable and cheap ways from agricultural and food waste, from gaseous fuel. Fuel energy and engine power were increased by regenerating the heat of the exhaust gases. Experimental studies of power and economic performance of a diesel engine, which was converted to work on the products of methanol conversion. Experimental studies have shown that the conversion of diesel engines to work using methanol conversion products is justified. Given that the price of methanol is, on average, 10-20% of the cost of diesel fuel, the conversion of diesel engines to work using methanol conversion products is quite profitable.