In practical applications, the incomplete multi-view clustering problem usually arises due to the omission of data from some views. The existing incomplete multi-view clustering methods often ignore the noise and redundancy of the original data, the valuable information hidden in the missing views, and the different importance of each view. To solve the above problems, this paper proposes incomplete multi-view clustering based on dynamic dimensionality reduction weighted graph learning (ARDGL), which is mainly divided into two parts: dynamic dimensionality reduction weighted graph learning similarity matrix and selfweighted graph fusion. Integrating the two in the same framework helps to reinforce each other. In the process of learning the similarity matrix, the noise, and redundancy of the original data are effectively filtered using dynamic descending weighted graph learning, and the influence of incomplete data on the clustering results is attenuated. In the self-weighted graph fusion process, the quality of the consensus matrix is improved by adding non-negative orthogonal constraints, and the clustering results can be obtained without post-processing. To solve the objective function, an alternating iteration algorithm is proposed. Experiments are conducted on four incomplete multi-view datasets, and the results show that the algorithm has good performance.