Introduction:We introduce the concept of direct faciometrics with propaedeutic purpose, underlying the measurement of growth in infant face, with relevant advantages over other methods.
Material and Methods:We observed 102 healthy Caucasian children of both gender, aged up to 14 years (included) who accessed the consultation of Pediatric Stomatology of Lisboa-Norte Hospital Centre, from May 1, 2011 and during one year. We evaluated the degree of facial growth and its characteristics, based on linear and angle measurements obtained from reference points located on facial surface. Systematic records in front and profile were performed; linear and angle measures were noted with respectively a digital caliper and a digital goniometer. We used the statistical method of applying correlation tables and ANOVA test of two factors.
Results:We deliver results and constructed growth curves. Discussion: We observed a growth spurt of anteroposterior face until the age of 6, which continues attenuated until the aged of 9. From 9 to 12 years old there has been a new growth spurt, which becomes residual from this age on. There were no significant changes in age angle mean values or gender differences in facial growth. The inter-observer error was 0.62 mm for linear values and 2.65 degrees for angle values.Conclusions: This is a reliable method, without image or radiation, non-invasive, simple, inexpensive and reproducible. Recommended for use in Pediatric Dentistry and Pediatrics, constituting a semiological resource that allows an early diagnosis of facial growth abnormalities in children, and hence their timely interception and correction. Keywords: Anthropometry; Anatomy; Child; Cephalometry; Face.
INTRODUÇÃOO termo faciometria foi introduzido na literatura mé-dica em 1996 por El-Mangoury, 1 integrado no método cefalométrico não radiográfico que propunha, para utilização na análise facial. Na faciometria é efectuada uma avaliação visual da face do doente e realizadas medições através de procedimentos directos, como os que propomos, quer através de medições realizadas em fotografias, por meios manuais ou computadorizados.1-7 A faciometria directa propedêutica é uma técnica de mensuração vectorial, linear e angular realizada na superfície da face do doente, a partir de pontos antropométricos pré-definidos, que permite obter dados semiológicos importantes sobre a quantidade e característi-cas do crescimento facial das crianças. Como o próprio nome indica, as medições são feitas directamente no doente, e permitem confirmar evidências semiológicas, tendo por esse facto objectivos predominantemente propedêuticos.A superfície do crânio e da face, nomeadamente o seu contorno, reflectem o padrão de crescimento. [2][3][4][5]