201in economics, a cost curve is a graph of the costs of production as a function of the total quantity produced. cost functions are mentioned mainly in the context of the Break Even Point Analysis that is a methodological tool of profit management. in a free market economy, this analytical tool is used by the managements to find the optimal point of production, where the highest profit is realized. Without any knowledge of cost functions, such analysis is not applicable. nevertheless, the real company management uses cost functions rather rarely. Profit planning in connection with a plan of production, respectively with a plan of sales is possible to rate only as some multiples of the values taken from the plan costing.The basic problem of cost functions construction objectively does not consist in finding a functional relation between the scope of production and the
Application of the theory of decision making under risk and uncertainty at modelling of costs
Aplikace teorie rozhodování v riziku a neurčitosti při modelování nákladůMichaela BERANOVÁ, Dana MARTINOVIČOVÁ
Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech RepublicAbstract: The costs functions are mentioned mostly in the relation to the Break-even Analysis where they are presented in the linear form. But there exist several different types and forms of cost functions. Fist of all, it is necessary to distinguish between the short-run and long-run cost function that are both very important tools of the managerial decision making even if each one is used on a different level of management. Also several methods of estimation of the cost function's parameters are elaborated in the literature. But all these methods are based on the past data taken from the financial accounting while the financial accounting is not able to separate the fixed and variable costs and it is also strongly adjusted to taxation in the many companies. As a tool of the managerial decision making support, the cost functions should provide a vision to the future where many factors of risk and uncertainty influence economic results. consequently, these random factors should be considered in the construction of cost functions, especially in the long-run. in order to quantify the influences of these risks and uncertainties, the authors submit the application of the Bayesian Theorem.Key words: Bayesian Theorem, cost function, fixed cost, variable cost, probability Abstrakt: nákladové funkce jsou zmiňovány většinou v souvislosti s analýzou bodu zvratu, kde jsou potom prezentovány jako funkce lineární. Existují však různé typy a formy těchto funkcí, přičemž je v prvé řadě nutné rozlišovat mezi krátko-dobou a dlouhodobou nákladovou funkcí. obojí jsou velmi důležitým nástrojem manažerského rozhodování, i když každá z nich je použitelná na jiné úrovni managementu. V literatuře je rovněž několik metod odhadu parametrů nákladových funkcí. Všechny tyto metody jsou však založeny na výstupech finančního účetnictví z minulosti, přičemž finanční účet-nictví není schopné prezen...