As part of the unification of the Canadian accounting profession, a lot of effort has been devoted to organizational structures and systems. In these times of change, recruitment of prospective professional accountants remains an important factor for the Canadian and international development of the profession. In this paper, we explore professional accountants' recruitment by accounting associations in Ontario before (CA, CGA, CMA) and after (CPA) the merger of the three professional accounting associations. We use a legitimacy framework to make sense of the recruitment website content of each association. We find, in the post-merger period, that the CPA profession adopts a more passive approach to legitimacy management, focusing mainly on exchange aspects of legitimacy, whereas prior to the merger a wider range of legitimacy management strategies were deployed by the predecessor associations. Important implications ensuing from our study are discussed.(CPA) la fusion des trois associations comptables professionnelles. Un cadre de la l egitimit e est utilis e pour interpr eter le contenu des pages de recrutement des sites web de chaque association. Les r esultats indiquent que la profession comptable, durant la p eriode post erieure a l'unification (CPA), adopte une approche davantage passive dans la gestion de la l egitimit e, en mettant l'accent sur la l egitimit e d' echange, alors que, durant la p eriode ant erieure a la fusion, un plus grand nombre de strat egies de gestion de la l egitimit e etaient utilis ees par les associations pr ed ecesseures. Les principales retomb ees de l' etude sont analys ees.