An ovels ynthesis of quinolizidinesb y ac ationic gold-catalyzed double cyclization cascade has been developed. Ther eactionw as initiated by the gold-catalyzed 6-exo-dig cyclization of ynamides,w hich was followed by as econd cyclization of an enamide intermediate to provide the corresponding quinolizidine derivatives.T he utility of this reactionw as demonstratedb ya pplicationt o the synthesis of multi-substituted quinolizidines and by the total synthesiso faquinolizidine alkaloid, (AE)-lupinine.Keywords: alkaloids;c yclization;d omino reaction; gold;quinolizidines Numerous alkaloids containingaq uinolizidine (octahydro-2H-quinolizine,n orlupinane) core (Figure 1), including cytosine and sparteine,h ave been found in Nature.[1] Because members of this class of natural productso ften possess diverse and important biological activities, these compoundsh ave attracted broad interest from the synthesis community and have provided an attractivep latform to demonstrate the utility of novels ynthetic methodologies and tactics. Oneo f the conventional strategies to prepare this nitrogencontainingb icyclic heterocycle is fusion of the second ring on ap iperidine ring with installationo fp eripheral substituents or conversion of pyridine derivatives to bicyclic compounds,a nd subsequent hydrogenation of the pyridine ring.[2] Theses tepwises trategies generally require lengthys equences andc areful stereocontrol and/or regiocontrol for introducing the requisite functionalitiesa tt he desired positions,w hich is not always astraightforward task.During the course of our continuing studies on the synthesiso fm onoterpene indole alkaloids, [3] we recently established ah ighly efficient synthesis of substitutedi ndolizidines via ag old-catalyzed double cyclization cascade [3c] (Scheme 1). Oneo ft he advantages of this cascade reactioni st he facile preparation of completely functionalized acyclic substratesw ith the requireds ubstituents by assembling three components in modular fashion,w hich results in multi-substituted indolizidines after as impleo ne-pot operation. The utility of this reactionw as demonstrated by our total