The human diarrheal disease cholera is caused by the aquatic bacterium Vibrio cholerae. V. cholerae in the environment is associated with several varieties of aquatic life, including insect egg masses, shellfish, and vertebrate fish. Here we describe a novel animal model for V. cholerae, the zebrafish. Pandemic V. cholerae strains specifically colonize the zebrafish intestinal tract after exposure in water with no manipulation of the animal required. Colonization occurs in close contact with the intestinal epithelium and mimics colonization observed in mammals. Zebrafish that are colonized by V. cholerae transmit the bacteria to naive fish, which then become colonized. Striking differences in colonization between V. cholerae classical and El Tor biotypes were apparent. The zebrafish natural habitat in Asia heavily overlaps areas where cholera is endemic, suggesting that zebrafish and V. cholerae evolved in close contact with each other. Thus, the zebrafish provides a natural host model for the study of V. cholerae colonization, transmission, and environmental survival.
Vibrio cholerae, the cause of the severe human diarrheal disease cholera, is also a ubiquitous inhabitant of coastal regions around the globe. As is the case for all species within the Vibrio genus, V. cholerae is an aquatic bacterium that may be found both freely swimming and in association with various forms of aquatic flora and fauna (1-5). The environmental lifestyle and reservoirs of V. cholerae have only in recent years become the subject of vigorous research and remain poorly understood.Over 200 V. cholerae serogroups have been identified from environmental sampling. However, only the O1 and O139 serogroups are capable of causing cholera. The O1 serogroup is further subdivided into two biotypes, classical and El Tor (6). Classical biotype V. cholerae is thought to have caused the first six of the seven known cholera pandemics beginning in 1817 and produces a more severe form of cholera. El Tor V. cholerae is responsible for the seventh pandemic, which began in 1961 and continues to the present day. El Tor strains are thought to be better suited for environmental survival, although the reasons for this are not clear. However, classical biotype strains are currently very difficult, if not impossible, to isolate from the environment, suggesting that El Tor strains have fully occupied the V. cholerae environmental niche. O139 serogroup strains, which caused large cholera outbreaks in the 1990s, have been shown to be derived from El Tor strains (7). In recent years some hybrid strains that closely resemble El Tor strains but also contain genetic material from classical strains have been isolated from cholera patients (8-10).To become a human pathogen, V. cholerae must be ingested in contaminated water or seafood. After ingestion, V. cholerae senses numerous signals resulting in production of virulence factors that permit colonization of the human intestine and ultimately cause the diarrhea that will transmit V. cholerae back into the environment...