ῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌThe preventive e#ects of dietary bilberry extracts (B ext), which contained fifteen species of anthocyanins, on oxidative stress induced by feeding paraquat (PQ) were assessed in rat. Growth retardation and lung enlargement due to feeding the rats a diet containing PQ were markedly suppressed by supplementing B ext. Also the decrease in triacylglycerol and increase in TBARS by feeding PQ were also suppressed by administration of B ext. Although there was no significant di#erence in the total concentration of cholesterol in plasma, elevation in the arteriosclerosis index due to PQ was decreased by administration of B ext. HDL-cholesterol was decreased by feeding PQ but was increased by B ext. In addition, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities in the erythrocyte of rats were decreased by feeding PQ, and these decreases were relieved by administration of B ext. Catalase activity in erythrocytes in the PQ group was increased, and this level was fur then increased by feeding B ext. In the liver, B ext. also suppressed the decrease in catalase and the increase in glutathion peroxidase activities in the PQ-fed rats. These results suggest that B ext. functions to prevent oxidative stress in rats due to PQ. ῬΎῬΎῥῌ Q`̯Qῲῌ ῖQ̳ῑῌ ̰ῷῌ QQῒῌ Q ̳ῢῡΰ̰ῪQQῴῺ ῴ῭QΰQῙ̯̮Ὺ῍ ῚΎ̰ῤQ QῲQῥQ̮ῥ̯῾ ῎ ̱ῲ ῭QQῌ Qῠ̰Q ̯ῴ῎̲῎̱̱Ώ΅´̳῭QQ῞Ὺ῍ ῴ῎̲῎̱̱ Ώ΅´̳ῥῴ῎̲῎̱̱Ώ̱ῴ ῶ῎ ῐSODῑ ΰ̰ ῪQQ̰Q̯QQQQ῭QQῌ Ί̰ΰQ̮`̳ῠ ̰Q̯ῌ ̰QQῠῤQῤQ̮̲Ώ̳̱̱ ̱ῲ ῠῢ Ὺ῍ ῚΎ̰QQQῖQQῤQQQ῭QῚ̯̰ῌ DNA, ῶ̳̲̱Qῢῡΰ̮Q῭ῼ̮ῌ ῦ̮̯ῥῢῴQQῌ ῠῩ΅ῌ ῳ̳ῢῡῤQQQQ΅῭̳ῗQῚ῞ῠΊΎ̯̮Ὺ῍ ῟ῤ̰ ̮ῢῘ̯ῌ QQ῟QQ῭̲Q῞ῪῚῠ̯ῌ Q̮ΰΌ´ῢQ Q῭Q῞QQQQῲQ῭Q̰Q`ΰQQῖQῩ̯̯̮Ὺ῍ ῎ ῎ῥΌΌ̱Q ῐEricaceaeῑ ῴ̲̱̮ ῐVacciniumῑ ῤ ῎̯ῌ Q̰Qῤ ̲ῸῺ΅` ῎ ῎ ῐV. Ashei Readeῑ ̮̰ῧ̲`Ὸ̱ ῎ ῎ ῐV. corym-bosum L. ̯ῑῌ ῶQQῤ̳῎Ὸ̱ ῎ ῎ ῤ -QΰῳῙ̰ΎῪ῍ ῶQQῤ̳῎Ὸ̱ ῎ ῎ ῥΊ̰ΰ΅ ῲ̱̯̮̰ῲῼῷῦ̯ΰ̮Ῑ̯QQ῞ ῪQ ῐV. angstifolia ̯ῑ ῠ̱Q῭ῘQΰQQ῞Ὺ̲ ῎ ῐV. myrtillus L.ῑ ΰῳῙ̰Ύ̯̮Ὺ῍ ̲ ῎ΰῥ Q̰Q̰΅ ῲῌ ῲῼῷQῤῶQQῠΎῨ̯΅̳Ὼ̱΅ ´̳Q̲ῖ̮Ῐῌ , ̰̳QQῩΎ̯̮̰ῌ Q῭̯Ῑ̯ῢ ῘQῧῩ̯῎QQ῭῞̯̮Ὺ +ῑ ῍ ̲ ῎ῤQ̰Q ΰ̯̮̯ῥ̱ῴ῭´̮̯ῢῲQQ̰̲QQQῤ̱QῖΊ Ύ̯̮̰ῌ QQQ̰QΐQ´ ,ῑ ῌ QῌῬ῾QΐQ´ -ῑ ῌ QQ ῪQQ̲QQ´ .ῑ ῌ QQQ̱QQ´ /ῑ ῌ QQQῚQ´ 0ῑ ῌ Q QQ´ 1ῑ2ῑ ῌ Q῝Q´ 3ῑ ̯ῤQQῖQ̮ΊΎ̯̮Ὺ῍ ̲ ̱῎Ὼ ῐPQῑ ῥῌ ̲̲ ̱ QῤQQῠ̯´̮ ̰Ύ̯̮̰ῌ Qῲ̮ῥ̯QQῴῺ ῴῤ̳ῗQΰῢῪῲQ ̯̮Ὺ῍ Q̱ῥ̯ῥῌ PQ ῖQQΊΎ ̱ῲ ῠῢ̰ῌ ῳQ QQῠ̰Q̯ῴ῎̲῎̱̱Ώ΅´̳῭Q῝ῌ Ί̰ ΰῚΎ̮̰QQΊΎῪ̲Ώ̳̱̱ ̱ῲ ῢῡῤQQQ ΰ̰̯̯ῌ Q̮ῥῖῗῢῷ ῎̱῭QῙῪ῍ Ὶῤ̲ ̱῎ Ὼ῭ ῸῺῢῡῢῲΰ̯ῼ̯Ὼ̰̯QQῴῺ ῴΰ̮ ῌ ̲QQQ῭ in vivo ̯Qῡ̯QQQQῖ̱Q +*ῑ῏+/ῑ Ί Ύ̯̮Ὺῖῌ ̲ ῎̱ῴ῭´̮̯Q̯̯̰ῤῥῢ̮῍ 0*,ῌ*23-Q̯QQQQQQῐQΊ῍Ῠ