Elongation of subapical segments of maize (Zea mays) roots was greatly inhibited by 2H20 in the incubation medium. Short-term exposure (30 min) to 2H20 slightly reduced 02 uptake and significantly increased ATP levels. 2H20 inhibited H' extrusion in the presence of both low (0.05 mM) and high (5 mM) external concentrations of K' (about 30 and 53%, respectively at 50% [v/v]
2H20).Experiments on plasma membrane vesicles showed that H+-pumping and ATPase activities were greatly inhibited by 2H20 (about 35% at 50% [v/v] 2H20); NADH-ferricyanide reductase and 1,3-B-glucan synthase activities were inhibited to a lesser extent (less than 15%). ATPase activities present in both the tonoplast-enriched and submitochondrial particle preparations were not affected by 2H20. Therefore, the effect of short incubation time and low concentration of 2H20 is not due to a general action on overall cell metabolism but involves a specific inhibition of the plasma membrane H -ATPase. K+ uptake was inhibited by 2H20 only when K+ was present at a low (0.05 mM) external concentration where absorption is against its electrochemical potential. The transmembrane electric potential difference (Em) was slightly hyperpolarized by 2H20 at low K+, but was not affected at the higher K+ concentrations. These results suggest a relationship between H+ extrusion and K' uptake at low K+ external concentration.plast, probably through a direct or chaotropic effect of 2H20 (7). The effect of 2H20 on membrane functions has not yet been specifically investigated in plant materials. An effect of 2H20 on plant membrane functions might be hypothesized on the basis of the consideration that H+ translocating activities, which play a central role in the function of plant membranes (27), could also utilize 2H' even if to a lesser extent.The experiments described in this paper were aimed at studying the effects of 2H20 on H+ extrusion and related transport activities in subapical maize (Zea mays) root segments. Plasma membrane vesicles of high purity from maize roots were used to compare the in vivo effect of 2H20 on H+ transport with the in vitro effect of 2H20 on H+ pumping and ATPase activities and to clarify whether 2H20 inhibits specifically the H+-translocating activities or membrane activities as a whole. Finally, the possibility of using 2H20 as a tool to investigate the involvement of H+ in membrane transport has been analyzed.
Plant MaterialIncubation in 2H20 of animal and plant tissues and organs has been used extensively for proton density-labeling experiments to study synthesis, degradation, and turnover of proteins (8), to investigate the role of water in the structure and function of biosystems (29), and to suppress solvent signal from the water in proton NMR (11). However, a toxic effect of 2H20 has been observed on growth of Escherichia coli (4), growth and development of plants (2,6,28), and seed germination (12). It has been suggested that these effects, obtained at high 2H20 concentrations and after long exposur...