The mobility of the isoalloxazine ring of the prosthetic group of Megaspliuera clsdenii flavodoxin was investigated by a 13C relaxation study of the non-protonated ring atoms 2, 4, 4a and 10a. In this study a selectively enriched (> 90 ' %, 13C) prosthetic group was bound to the apoprotein. T, and Tz values were determined at two magnetic field strengths, i.e. 8.46 T (90.5 MHz) and 5.88 T (62.8 MHz). Values of nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) were determined at 5.88 T. It is shown that both the dipole-dipole interaction and the chemical shift anisotropy are important relaxation sources for all the carbon atoms investigated. The results are i n agreement with a spectral density function of the isoalloxazine ring in which only the overall reorientational motion of the protein is accounted for. From this it is concluded that the isoalloxazine ring is tightly associated with the apoprotein. The protein-bound isoalloxazine ring does not exhibit large fluctuations on the nanosecond time scale, although small amplitude fluctuations cannot be excluded. This information was obtained by a combination of field-dependent Tl and NOE measurements. T2 values are in agreement with these results. On the basis of the dipolar part of the overall Ti values, the distance between the carbon investigated and the nearest proton was calculated and found to be in fair agreement with the crystallographic results of the related flavodoxin from Clostridium M P .In addition, it is shown that, based on the chemical shift anisotropy as a relaxation source, information on the internal mobility is difficult to obtain. The main reason for this is the low precision in the determination of the chemical shift anisotropy tensor.Internal motions in proteins have recently attracted considerable intercst since the realisation that such motions play an important role in cooperative and allosteric effects. Moreover, the internal mobility in enzymes probably contributes to the catalytic effects of biomolecules [I]. Theoretical calculations by Karplus and McCaiiiinon [2,3] indicate that such motions can occur on the nanosecond -picosecond time scale despite the close-packed structure of native proteins. Such an internal mobility in the nanosecond time range has recently been demonstrated in the flavoprotein lipoamide dehydrogenase [4].Flavoproteins occur widely in nature and catalyze a variety of biological reactions. The physical and chemical properties of the flavin prosthetic group are perturbed upon binding to a particular apoflavoprotein. These observations and model studies led to the postulation [5] that the molecular basis for the specificity of a particular flavoprotein could be a specific interaction between the apoprotein and the prosthetic group; i.e. hydrogen bond formation between some amino acid residues and certain atoms of the prosthetic group. That such hydrogen bonds do influence the orbital structure of the flavin molecule has recently been demonstrated by Eweg et al. [6]. both by photoelectron spectroscopy and from theoretical calculati...