31 P relaxation of the diester phosphate of phospholipids in unilamellar vesicles has been studied from 0.004 to 11.7 T. Relaxation at very low fields, below 0.1 T, shows a rate increase that reflects a residual dipolar interaction with neighboring protons, probably dominated by the glycerol C3 protons. This interaction is not fully averaged by faster motion such as rotational diffusion perpendicular to the membrane surface. The remaining dipolar interaction, modulated by overall rotational diffusion of the vesicle and lateral diffusion of the lipid molecules, is responsible for the very low-field relaxation. These measurements yield a good estimate of the time-average angle between the membrane surface and the vector connecting the phosphorus to the glycerol C3 dynamics ͉ membranes ͉ phosphorus M uch remains to be known about the details of the configuration and dynamics of the phosphodiester region of phospholipid bilayer membranes, despite a large body of work (1, 2). Yet such knowledge is likely to be very useful in understanding how proteins and assemblies interact with this interfacial region. For example, there is indirect evidence that the peripheral membrane protein phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase inserts a tryptophan residue into a phosphatidylcholine membrane surface, which in turn activates the enzyme toward its substrates, but how this happens in detail is unknown (3, 4).The lack of structural information for phospholipid polar and interfacial moieties results from the difficulty in obtaining crystals and making other ordered structures that are necessary for most structural techniques. Even when available, the resemblance of such ordered structures to membranes functioning in vivo can be questioned. Modern methods of NMR spectroscopy are generally difficult to apply to this problem, mainly because of the slow rate of tumbling of molecules in reasonable analogs of biological membranes such as vesicles. Most NMR studies ( 1 H, 13 C, and 2 H) of membranes have focused on acyl chain dynamics (5-7). Phosphorus-31 NMR, which would appear ideally suited for obtaining information on the phosphodiester linkage conformation and dynamics, has seen limited use, because 31 P resonances in phospholipid aggregates exhibit a large linewidth due to their chemical-shift anisotropy (CSA) [although this property had made this nucleus very useful in characterizing the phase behavior of phospholipid bilayers (5)]. 31 P chemical shifts in phosphodiesters embedded in membranes do reflect orientation of chemical bonds relative to the membrane surface but not in a very usefully specific way. Structures deduced from other NMR data suffer from unknown dynamic averaging effects. Computer simulations show great promise to eventually give completely detailed information (8, 9) but still need to be validated with quantitative experiments.As a contribution to this problem, we have estimated the angle PH between the vector connecting the phosphorus to its nearest protons and the vector perpendicular to the membrane sur...