The objective of this study was to evaluate intake, microbial protein synthesis, and nitrogen balance in lambs fed diets containing 0.00, 12.50, and 25.00% mulberry hay substituting the concentrate. Twentyfour Ile de France lambs at approximately 60 days of age, with a body weight of 15.48 ± 0.07 kg, were confined in individual stalls and slaughtered upon reaching 32 kg body weight. Only the intakes of ether extract and metabolizable energy decreased linearly (P<0.05) as the participation of mulberry hay in the concentrate was increased. Nitrogen in the feces, expressed in g day -1 and g kg 0.75 day -1 , increased linearly (P<0.05), whereas excretions (mmol day -1 ) of allantoin, total purines, and absorbed microbial purines, microbial production (g day -1 ) expressed in microbial nitrogen and microbial crude protein, and microbial efficiency expressed in g M N kg -1 RDOM -1 and g M P kg -1 of TDN decreased linearly as the level of hay in the diet was increased. Mulberry hay substituting the concentrate in diets for feedlot lambs reduces the microbial protein synthesis. Key words: Alternative feed, feedlot, metabolism, sheep
ResumoObjetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o consumo, a síntese de proteína microbiana e o balanço de nitrogênio em cordeiros alimentados com rações contendo 0,00; 12,50 e 25,00% de feno de amoreira em substituição ao concentrado. Foram utilizados vinte e quatro cordeiros Ile de France, com aproximadamente 60 dias de idade e 15,48 ± 0,07 kg de peso corporal, confinados em baias individuais e abatidos ao atingirem 32 kg de peso corporal. Apenas a ingestão de extrato etéreo e energia metabolizável apresentaram redução linear (P<0,05) com a inclusão do feno de amoreira no concentrado. Houve aumento linear (P<0,05) do nitrogênio nas fezes expresso em g dia -1 e g kg 0,75 dia -1 , redução linear (P<0,05) das excreções (mmol dia -1 ) de alantoína, purinas totais e purinas microbianas absorvidas,