The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) plays an important role in coordinated esophageal motility. The present study aimed to elucidate how trypsin affects LES contractility. Porcine LES circular smooth muscle strips were prepared. Contractile responses to trypsin were assessed. Trypsin (300nM) induced a transient contraction. At concentrations of 1μM or higher, trypsin induced biphasic responses, consisting of a transient contraction followed by a transient relaxation. Pretreatment with either 1μM tetrodotoxin or carbenoxolone had no effect on these responses. In contrast, trypsin-induced responses were completely blocked by pretreatment with the serine protease inhibitor. Pretreatment with 10μM FSLLRY-NH2, a PAR2 antagonist, significantly inhibited trypsin-induced biphasic responses. Trypsin (1μM)-induced contractions were partially inhibited by pretreatment with 10μM Y-27632. In addition, trypsin (10μM)-induced relaxation was partially inhibited by pretreatment with 10μM Y-27632, 10μM PD98059 or 10μM SB203580. Trypsin-induced relaxation was abolished by increasing the extracellular K(+) concentration to 40mM, but not by pretreatment with l-arginine methyl ester. Furthermore, trypsin-induced relaxation was partially inhibited by pretreatment with 10μM glibenclamide or 1μM 4-aminopyridine. Trypsin causes biphasic regulation of LES tone by directly acting on smooth muscle. Rho-associated protein kinase (ROK) is involved in trypsin-induced contraction, whereas ROK, ERK1/2, p38MAPK, and membrane hyperpolarization are involved in relaxation. The regulation of LES tone by trypsin may play a role in esophageal motility.