A growth period from day 4 to day 11 after sowing of dark‐grown oat seedlings (Avena sativa L. cv. Flämingskrone) was studied. Etioplasts were prepared from various stages. By means of one and two dimensional gel eletrophoresis developmental changes in the polypeptide pattern of the prolamellar body‐prothylakoid complex of etioplasts were studied. Polypeptides were described by their molecular weights and pI values after isoelectric focusing. The polypeptide map changes continuously with age, with the onset of effects of senescence around day 7. Concomitantly, proto‐chlorophyllide and proteins are degraded, with a higher degradation rate for proto‐chlorophyllide. An analysis of protochlorophyllide fluorescence displayed a constant ratio (fluorescence emission at 650 nm/fluorescence emission at 630 nm) from day 6 to day 11. It is concluded, that the best stages for greening studies of dark‐grown oat seedlings occur between day 4 and day 6 after sowing.