Electron transport phosphorylation has been demonstrated to drive ATP synthesis for the methanogenic archaebacterium Methanolobus tindarius: Protonophores evoked uncoupler effects and lowered the membrane potential Ay. Under the influence of N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide [(cHxN),C] the membrane potential increased while methanol turnover was inhibited. 2-Bromoethanesulfonate, an inhibitor of methanogenesis, had no effect on the membrane potential but, like (CHXN)~C and protonophores, decreased the intracellular ATP concentration.Labeling experiments with ( C H X N )~'~C showed membranes to contain a proteolipid, with a molecular mass of 5.5 kDa, that resembles known (cHxN),C-binding proteins of Fo-F1 ATPases. The (cHxN)2-sensitive membrane ATPase hydrolysed Mg . ATP at a pH optimum of 5.0 with a K , (ATP) of 2.5 mM (V = 77 mujmg). It was inhibited competitively by ADP; Ki (ADP) = 0.65 mM. Azide or vanadate caused no significant loss in ATPase activity, but millimolar concentrations of nitrate showed an inhibitory effect, suggesting a relationship to ATPases from vacuolar membranes. In contrast, no inhibition occurred in the presence of bafilomycin Al.The ATPase was extractable with EDTA at low salt concentrations. The purified enzyme consists of four different subunits, CI (67 kDa), , h' (52 kDa), y (20 kDa) and 6 ( < 10 kDa), as determined from SDS gel electrophoresis.Among archaebacteria the methanogens represent a diverse group of strictly anaerobic organisms producing methane from CO,, acetate, formate, methanol and methylamines by disproportionation or by reduction with molecular hydrogen (for a review see [l]). As reported by Blaut and Gottschalk [2], methanogens can use the energy from substrate reduction for ATP synthesis by an electron-transport-driven mechanism. Moreover, proton extrusion coupled to methanogenesis has been demonstrated [3]. The methylreductase system has been discussed as a candidate for a membrane-associated proton pump which catalyses the exergonic reduction of a coenzymebound methyl group to methane [4, 51.ATPases as possible catalysts of ATP synthesis have been found in the membranes of several methanogens [6-101; one of these has been identified as being vanadate-sensitive [8].Ion-transducing membrane ATPases can be divided into three classes, the P (or El-E2) type of plasma membranes, the V type of vacuolar membranes and the F type of chloroplasts, mitochondria and bacterial membranes [I I]. Members of these classes differ in their physiological role and their sensitivity against ionic [12] and antibiotic [13] inhibitors.