“…Spessartines with low amounts of grossular content are known to orig i nate from low-grade re gion ally meta morphosed rocks such as metapelites, metacherts, es pe cially those in ther mal au re oles (Miyashiro, 1955;Deer et al, 1982;Spišiak et al, 1989;Méres, 2008), or from Mn car bon ate-sil icate rocks (Matkovskyi, 1971;Deer et al, 1992;Mohapatra and Nayak, 2005;Matkovskyi et al, 2011;Kanungo et al, 2014), more over, from garnetites (of ten with high an dra dite com ponent, Kropáè, 2012) and gondites (Melcher, 1995;Matkovskyi et al, 2011;Vrána, 2011). They have rarely been found in granite pegmatites (Man ning, 1983;Baldwin and Von Knorring, 1983;Királi and Török, 2003), and in blueschists, with an absence of zon ing (Martínek and Štolfová, 2009). Nor mal zon ing of spessartines de notes their for ma tion un der con di tions of progres sive meta mor phism.…”